March 02, 2010

Do *NOT* Put a Yeti Pot into Your Nose

Made my first use of a neti pot last night.  Specifically, a SinuCleanse brand one.  See the fancy photo below.

Two things I can say about it:

  1. It was one of the most bizarre, mildly uncomfortable, waterboarding feelings I can imagine.
  2. It was surprisingly effective.  I had heard as much from trusted friends but still had my doubts.
So, based on a whopping one time experience, I would say it is definitely worth a try if you are suffering from a sinus malady.  Especially notable, you look absolutely ridiculous while it is in use.


Melissa said...

I love those! I have the pot and the squirt bottle one. I think it works great and is great for the sinuses. I think it is neat how it flows from one side to the other:) It totally grosses Bryan out and that is always fun!!!

Paul McRae said...

Yes, it is disgusting. He is correct.

Melissa said...

Works though, right???