July 03, 2011

Killian Baseball 2011

Killian's baseball season for 2011 drew to a close last weekend.  He really enjoyed playing this season so it looks like I'll be in for another round next year at least.  It was an interesting year because mid-season they switched from t-ball to coach pitched.  I never played coach pitched as a kid so that was an entirely new experience for me.  Killian did pretty well for getting absolutely no practice at home and he had a great time each game.  The coaches were great with him which has been a pretty consistent experience at the YMCA for which I am thankful.  I also got a chance to meet several parents on the sidelines and had an enjoyably social season as a result.  Here is his personal and team picture for the year (click the picture for larger version).

Video footage of one of his games:

That marks the end of anything sporty for the summer due to my upcoming shoulder surgery.  His next scheduled foray into children's team sports is scheduled for flag football this fall.  He is really excited about that as well.  He has been asking me if he could play football for the past two years now.  I'm actually pretty glad to be dodging anything outside this summer.  Baseball was a beast for that matter this spring.  Too hot.

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