June 22, 2006

Killian is soon to be Two

So we got some professional pics done and, I must say, they came out very well. Here is a sample. My favorites are the one in the "Newsies" hat and the one where he is either taking off or putting on his blue shirt. I'm not sure what is going on in his spastic Joe Cocker impersonation shot, but the ladies seem to like it.

Napoleon Dynamite Soundboard

Oh how beautiful it is:
Napoleon Dynamite Soundboard

June 21, 2006


Here is a comical disclaimer from a website for a password cracking utility. Count the number of times "ack" appears in it:

"Important note. This is not a cracking or hacking site. We do not offer software 'cracks', cracking programs or other hacking tools. Instead, we offer password recovery software and password recovery services. Password recovery software is also known as 'password crackers' (or 'password breakers'). Note that 'password crackers' are not 'software crackers'. Software crackers are produced by hackers and are used to run illegal software copies. Password crackers are used to 'crack' lost or forgotten passwords. "

June 20, 2006

All Fun & Games - Photos

Here are a couple of shots from our grand opening.

Oh and bonus news...

Bobbie's CT scans came out negative across the board and radiation therapy is not recommended, though she will likely have to undergo treatment with Interferon. Still no word on the final suggested treatment, though it will likely take place in July/August. I will post more as we know more, but for now hopefully all is well.

Go Canes!

Woohoo! Go Canes! An excellent game 7 following a miserable game 6. Imagine a Stanley Cup win in 75% temperatures at midnight. Strange but true.

June 16, 2006

Bagel Bitching

Every Friday at the work they provide us with free bagels for breakfast. This is a good thing, but it has allowed me to confirm one of my suspicions about the universe. Any bagel with a form of onion in it should not be allowed to touch or be in the same container with a non-onion driven bagel. It is simply ruinous.

June 14, 2006

If aereolas has wings, that would be strange

In an effort not to depress myself or you tiny clan o' readers, I have been dodging blogging much about the day to day of my current affairs. I shall continue to do so until there is more pertinent information on that front, but as a tidbit I will tell you that we are currently investigating follow-up/preventive treatment options for Bobbie.

On a slightly related but lighter note, Killian is saying a few words now. The ones that I can claim to have heard clearly enough to count are "Bye, bye", "momma", "dad", "Bob and Spongebob", "ball (specifically when pointing to a ball)", "cool" and "discombobulate (though I can't really be too sure about that one)". He's definitely coming along. Should be one heck of an adventure.

He's definitely getting more hyper and energetic as we enter the "terrible twos" and bringing the first remnants of tantrums with it. We have introduced the Penalty Box in lieu of Time Out for punishment and it seems to be pretty effective some of the time. For me, the biggest challenge right now is his kicking during diaper changes, mostly because it hurts and makes the diaper change itself next to impossible. However, the threat of a penalty (2 minute minor for testicular endangerment) seems to be slowly influencing his decision to continue kicking. Additionally, he has discovered that he thoroughly enjoys a high pitch scream battle regardless of whether there is an opponent involved or not. This can make for an embarrassing time in public since you can't really try the "just ignore him" technique while others suffer the consequences.

June 04, 2006

New Gaming Home

The Grand Re-opening of All Fun & Games at the new spot was a resounding success yesterday. Seriously, it vastly surpassed any expectation that I had for the event. We had an estimated 500+ customers pass through the doors throughout the day. Additionally, we had our largest sales day in store history (that's 8 years for those counting) to include our best Christmas season to date. Granted, the 25% special that we were running for the event likely contributed significantly to that, but still. Wow! Thanks to everyone that made the effort to come out and see the new place on our big day!

I have to give *ALL* of the credit to Bobbie and Vivian, though. They busted their butts to make this happen and they deserve all of the congratulations. Thanks, for that matter, go to the horde of volunteers that helped us with the move and setup. That effort was almost just as amazing as we learned how many true friends we have made over the years. You guys were an amazing help. Without you, it could not have been possible.

Speaking of volunteers, we have a new store website thanks to one. Check it out at http://www.AllFunNGames.com. It is *vastly* superior to that piece of crap I had built in a matter of minutes with FrontPage just so we'd have an internet presence. Mad props to Christi.

So, if you live in the area and are insterested in boardgaming, join us on Thursday nights for our boardgame night. We have about 30 regular attendees and are typically there until about midnight. The new gaming space is a little more than twice the size of the old. Good times all around.