July 24, 2008

Newport News Ramping Up

Always good to see something like this happening in the hometown that saw the bulk of my skateboarding years.

July 20, 2008

Google Lively - Not So Much

Google Lively has been officially uninstalled from my computer. I was duly unimpressed.

Bobbie Update

Ok, she made it through one tough segment - the 5 days/week 2-3 hours/day intravenous Interferon treatment. Now for round 2, the "at home" portion of the treatment. I put "at home" in quotes because our insurance has changed since we went through this back in 2006 and now they are telling us that it will cost us $200/month (wait, I take that back, it's buy 2 months, get one free, so $400/3 months) to have the shots delivered to our house. To that end, it counts nothing against our out of pocket maximum, so we would have to pay that in full. On the contrary, to our understanding (should be fully verified on Monday), if she drives to the hospital 3 times/week for a 5 minute pop in to have them give her the quick needle poke, it will basically cost us nothing other than the gas to make the trip (about $35/month at $4/gallon). So, it looks like her 11 months of "at home" treatment will actually be "at hospital" treatment. Very frustrating, but not the end of the world. Go Cigna. Way to suck.

She is doing alright all told, but suffering some. The weekends have been rough on her through the IV treatment - heavy nausea generally kicking in on Saturdays and running through Mondays. Her emotions are starting to fluctuate a little more wildly - quicker to snap at you and quicker to cry. I remember this from last time and, to me, it was the suckiest part because it is difficult to have to watch your loved one have to deal with that lack of control. I think it is to her as well. She starts on Ritalin Monday to help counter the fatigue. That didn't work out so well last time, so here's hoping for more success this time around since they're starting it right at the beginning. She is slated to start back to work next weekend. Here's hoping the first week of the injections goes smoothly and that getting back to work proves to be a positive experience for her.

No news on her lip/nerve damage. It's hard to tell if there has been any change. She meets with the surgeon on Tuesday, but I don't know what, if any, information that will bring. It will mark one month since he saw her last if nothing else.

Fortunately, Killian seems to be taking it all fairly well in stride. Between helpful family and me, we have done a pretty good job of keeping him distracted so far. Next week is the first week back to just him and mommy, so here's hoping that goes smoothly as well. I'll be making a point of coming home for lunches, so maybe that will interject a bit of a break for both of them if she's having a tough time. Just have to wait and see on that end. He has been spectacularly well behaved over the past several weeks though. That should help. He's a really good kid.

Anyway, the big takeaway here is that we're done with part 2 of approaching this thing (part 1 = surgery). Only part 3, the longest, to go. Wish us luck...

July 10, 2008

Google Lively

I have no idea how much, if any, use this will see, but I've added my Google Lively room to the bottom of the blog.

July 03, 2008

Bobbie Update

Today completes week 2 of Bobbie's treatment (apparently even cancer treatments get a holiday). The first weekend was pretty rough. Starting on Friday, she had severe nausea throughout the weekend. So much so, that we had to put a call into the doc late Saturday night and he called in 2 replacement nausea prescriptions to a 24-hour pharmacy. They seemed to help, or at least knocked her out cold for a good 10 hours. However, she was really nauseous again throughout Sunday. On Monday (her birthday), he switched up the medications she is receiving during treatment for nausea, pumped a bunch of extra fluid into her and halved the interferon dosage for the week. That seems to have helped as she had a pretty good week all of this week except for some nausea beginning yesterday. They gave her a new nausea medication today that is supposed to last 3-5 days, so here's hoping that gets her through the weekend. Definitely don't want a repeat of last weekend.

The food from both work and neighbors has been flowing in and we have been eating like kings during her treatment thus far. Unfortunately, due to her nausea, she hasn't been able to delve into everything that has been through our kitchen, but she has had the opportunity to get a taste of just about all of it. One of our neighbors made a ridiculously delicious chocolate cake from scratch for her birthday. It was frickin' awesome! I told her that we will do a just celebration of her birthday sometime after she completes the hospital part of the treatment when she is feeling more active.

So, basically 2 weeks down, 2 weeks to go on the roughest part.

July 01, 2008

Good Netflix!... Good!

Looks like they actually pay attention to their customer feedback at Netflix and have apparently decided to overturn their foolish decision to dump their profiles option. Woohoo! I am now proud to be a customer again. Even without it, they're a fine service. That just makes them all the more fine.