May 05, 2009

Bobbie Update - May 5, 2009

Once again, I find myself feeling well overdue in getting an update out to everyone.

Following the completion of the whole brain radiation treatment, the decision was made for Bobbie to start systemic chemotherapy in the form of Temodar. This is taken in the form of oral capsules for 5 straight days in 4 week cycles. She just completed her first cycle on Saturday, so her next will begin near the end of May. The experience from the first week was a mixture of extreme fatigue (she spent the bulk of the time in bed sleeping) and some pretty significant nausea and vomiting. With any luck, these symptoms will subside some between doses, but it is difficult to say how she will recover. According to the doctor's office, patients react differently so it could be anywhere from feeling equally crappy throughout to feeling pretty much back to normal, so it's unknown until we get there. So, we are going with the flow for now.

As a result of the whole brain radiation treatment, she lost all of her hair. It is also unknown at this time if that will grow back. Certainly small potatoes compared to the larger picture, but it weighs on her some, I can tell. I'm sure it is just another back breaking straw. However, her attitude remains positive and she continues to fight the good fight. We had the fortune of friends chipping in to help us through that first week in making sure that Killian was looked after while I was at work and Bobbie was down for the count. She is flying solo with him this week and did alright on Monday. We'll see what the rest of the week brings. I think she is planning to spend the next round of treatment in VA at my parents' house where Killian can be taken care of while she sleeps since he will be out of school then.

She has spent the last few weeks spending as much time as she is able hanging out with Killian and being a mom. As a couple, we've been spending the evening getting addicted to the TV show Lost by way of DVDs for season 1. We are now on disc 3 of season 2. It has been nice to spend those hours just cuddled up together on the couch enjoying a common interest after Killian goes to bed. He remains forever getting cuter and continues to be a wonderful human being (so says his father). He definitely knows that mommy has been sick for a long time now and shows concern, but is otherwise able to maintain his carefree 4-year old (almost 5 - June 24th) lifestyle thanks to friends and family.

So that's pretty much it as far as where we stand at this moment. A continued mention of appreciation to all those offering prayers and positive thoughts and a continued special thanks to those who have had the opportunity and, consequently, taken the time out of your lives to help us directly by way of babysitting, meals, chauffeuring, etc. And thank you to the many of you that have made offers to do the same that we haven't been able to take you up on as of yet. None of this goes ignored, unappreciated or unconsidered.

Bobbie often mentions that she really needs to call so and so back or write so and so, but she just lacks the energy or will to talk about the situation which is, of course, understandable. So, if you have attempted to contact her and received no timely response, please take comfort in the fact that she thinks to act even if she does not do so and does try to communicate with some here and there when she is able. She checks her email and facebook regularly as well as has her mobile phone on her most of the time, though, as mentioned, much of that time is spent sleeping. I'm not trying to make excuses for her here, I just think it important that you guys know that she is interested in keeping in touch, just having a hard time doing it.

As I am seemingly always promising, I will make an effort to provide more regular updates.