November 30, 2007

Fun Animation

Long time, no post. Yeah, I suck. But here's a little something funny to keep you entertained until my next:

Animator vs Animation

November 12, 2007


So Halloween went exceptionally well. It was the first year that Killian knew what was going on and he was very excited about going up to houses by himself to get the candy. As we came up to a house with the lights on, he would turn around to Bobbie and me and say "Stop, stop" with his hands held out like a crossing guard. That was our cue that we were to stay at this location while he foraged his own way up to the door where he would proceed to knock, look back at us until someone answered the door, say one of the following: "Trick or treat", "Candy please" or "More?", receive said candy, say "Thank you" and then barrel back to us at a full run to show us what he just got. I have to say that it was among the cutest things I have witnessed in life (barf!). He chose the Pablo costume shown in the pictures from my previous post and we actually visited quite a few houses - enough to have to dump his collection bucket so that he could fill it a 2nd time. As a bonus, the new neighborhood is and AWESOME community for such events. There were far more houses with treats available than dark ones and tons of kids & parents lining the streets for the adventure.

Killian is visiting the zoo in Ashboro, NC today, so I'm certain I will be hearing all about that when I get home from work tonight. I wasn't lucky enough to be able to go with him, but mom and grandma have assured me that it will be a filmed event so I will be able to tag along for the ride vicariously.

On another positive note, I picked up Call of Duty 4 for the Xbox 360 on Friday. It's a spectacular looking game and the online play is fun, even though I suck miserably at it (give me a keyboard and mouse and I could probably up that to just sucking without the miserably factor). My friends list continues to grow on the Xbox 360 as do reports of people getting the red ring of death and having to send their machines in for repair. I don't think that I know anyone with a machine that hasn't had to do so, actually. Here's hoping I don't get to experience that joy.

The giant negative in my life in the past few weeks is that my grandmother is not doing well at all. She is in the hospital after a very quick descent in health. I won't go into details here, but just know that there is a rough spot out there for my family right now.