May 14, 2007

EVE Online

New video game to me of interest: EVE Online. Playing the 14 day free trial of it at the moment an enjoying it very much. It reminds me of the old BBS days of Tradewars 2002. I've been looking for something to fill that void for quite sometime. Earth & Beyond did a pretty good job of it while it was around, but it has been gone for awhile now. EVE Online is very similar in play from what I can tell. Spectacular graphics for a MMORPG though. A really excellent interface as well. The fact that it appears to only have 1 server is pretty amazing as well considering how many players are active in the game.

May 11, 2007

Adding Injurty to Insult

Some insults simply do not work in particular situations. "Son of a bitch" is one of these.

For example, calling a sibling a "son of a bitch" without doing the same to yourself as a result. Similarly using a statement such as "Son of a bitch!" when you cut yourself shaving or step on a sharp object walking by yourself can have unintended implications. Without specifying an article for your insult, you indirectly imply "you". In turn, if alone, then that "you" must be directed at the closest logical unit, physical or ethereal. In the physical sense, we must suppose that "you" is oneself (in which case you really should say "I'm a…") or a nearby inanimate object (in this case you are talking to inanimate objects - this is a thing that crazy people on the street do - don't do this). If, however, we suppose the likely more logical ethereal target of your insult, then we assume something like the entity of the universe or your perception of a God or gods. In these cases, considering the karmic or smiting repercussions, then said insult should likely be reconsidered. Yet another case in which this insult can backfire is when targeting someone who is either a) adopted or b) without a living mother. In one case, you toss the label "bitch" on a completely unknown so it is relatively ineffective. In the second case, even if your statement is accurate - it's one thing to toss the mom insult out there, it's a whole other thing to throw the deceased into the mix. Again, potentially unintended consequence.

So, be careful in your usage of insults of the like. Be sure that your target is a valid and good one. Cater your insult to the appropriate conditions. It will be far more effective.

May 02, 2007

Late Nights

So I've spent the last three nights up late doing work for the day job.  Apparently I am old because I am tired as a result.  Didn't *used* to be tired from such forays, but I'm beat.  Got another late night tomorrow for the store's game night and then I'll probably "waste" my Friday night by going to bed early as a result.
Where do I apply for these senior citizen discounts I hear tale of?