I'm headed out to the east coast with some friends and Killian for the week which should prove to be an enjoyable escape from a very busy work life of late. With any luck (and some help from SPF 50), I will actually manage to avoid portraying the role of human lobster after a week at the beach.
In hobby news:
- Video game entertainment
- Red Dead Redemption for Xbox 360. Very fun and addictive. Good mechanics and a decent storyline.
- Wii Fit Plus - Let's see if I can slim down this Mii. Poor, plump little bastard.
- Torchlight - A surprisingly addictive updated Diablo style game. I picked it up on Steam for $10 and have played the crap out of it.
- Rock Band: Green Day - I received it as an early birthday gift and played through the full song list with Rich last night. I will be chastised for this but found it more enjoyable to play through than Rock Band: Beatles.
- I have been watching a few new to me television series (between DVR & DVD):
- Sons of Anarchy - Watched season 1 on DVD. Liked it but season 2 isn't out on DVD yet and season 3 is either mid-run or also not yet out unfortunately.
- Breaking Bad - On disc 3 of season 2. I'm enjoying this one as well though it keeps me constantly uncomfortable.
- Treme - I'm having a difficult time staying interested in this one. A little too much concentration on a music style that I don't enjoy for my taste.
- The Big Bang Theory - Yes, I'm a nerd and yes, I love this show.
- Lost - not new to me but I have finally recommenced watching it. I'm mid season 3 at the moment.
- True Blood - I enjoyed the first two seasons and have enjoyed the 3rd thus far. I am told by those that have read the books that the show is terrible but my inexperienced mind to that end affords me the opportunity to enjoy it.
- Boardgames.
- Though my opportunities to enjoy this one have been impacted, I have taken any chance I can to play Dominion along with its expansions: Intrigue, Seaside and Alchemy. I continue to thoroughly enjoy this game.
- I haven't really had the opportunity to play anything new otherwise in the past several months. [sad face] but the beach this week should hold many gaming opportunities [very happy face].
- Books
- I make no claim to be an avid reader but am currently reading the Percy Jackson series - book 2: Sea of Monsters.
- Sports and Exercise
- Hahaha... riiiiiiiight [embarrassed sad face]
Killian's birthday was June 24th (he's now six) and a successful birthday party was held at Jellybeans skating rink for him. 21 kids. That's a handful. Bobbie's birthday was June 30th and Killian and I did a small butterfly release celebration in her memory. It was sweet and positive and turned out very well.
So, that's a little snapshot of now. As I mentioned, work has been crazy. Life has been life. Not static nor out of control nor particularly exciting. I am enjoying it as best I can and trying to make it fun for Killian along the way.