May 10, 2006

The Top Ten Weirdest, Creepiest, Freakiest Children's Television Shows

I watch a pretty decent chunk of TV with Killian. As he is not yet two, the particular group of shows that grab his attention is pretty limited. As a result, seeing the same episodes time after time is painful to me. So, I try to get him some variety where I can. I've seen the majority of the shows on this list, and I'd have to say that this guy does a pretty good job of pegging them all for the oddities. Number three is the one I find most painful from personal experience and absolutely cannot watch. I haven't pained myself with numbers two and nine and I haven't yet given number seven a viewing, though it has potential. Of those listed, numbers one, eight and five (five is just strange) are my favorites. Killian's favorites are apparently eight and ten.

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