February 04, 2008

Celebrate Good Times, Come On

Ok, this will be of interest to only those who are parents or grandparents, but Killian pulled off his first full day of no diaper (not counting overnight pull-ups) and clean "big boy underwear" for the entire day with no bathroom prompting by a parent on Saturday. Every time he went, it was his decision that he needed to go. It was awesome! I didn't have to change a single diaper or a set of clothing! I think he's actually got the plan down now... finally! So, happy times here. As a bonus, if he keeps it up, he'll likely get the tractor or truck (battery powered and kid size) that he missed out on at Christmas this week. Woohoo!


Melissa said...

CONGRATS to you and Killian! I know that was such a big deal here - we "bribbed" Nicole with a Bunk Bed and she held us to it! Isabel was easier - she got a little fish tank :) We are still working with Isabel on the "flushing" thing - she doesn't most of the time :( She doesn't let me know when she has to poop - she just goes and leaves it for us as a nice little "gift". Kids are Great!!!

Paul McRae said...

So far Killian has been good about completing the transaction other than comically leaving the bathroom with his pants partially down because he has trouble pulling them up. :D

Anonymous said...

WTG Killian! Indeed a momentous event to congratulate, good job too Mom and Dad :)Next milestone: driving the car hehehe

Paul McRae said...

But he already has mad car driving skillz. (See next post)