March 22, 2009

Bobbie Update - Mar 22, 2009

I delay yet again in getting an update out to everyone within a reasonable time frame, but I was trying to wait until we had some sort of plan as to the next steps. At the time of the last update that I sent out, Bobbie had an upcoming MRI. The results of that MRI introduced the appearance of three new spots in her brain. After much discussion between her neurosurgeon at UNC, her medical oncologist at Rex and the medical oncologist in Charlotte running the trials previously mentioned, it has been decided that she will begin whole brain radiation treatments (WBRT) at Rex starting this coming Monday, March 23rd.

As it is described, this radiation treatment will run a course of about two weeks and each treatment will be about 15 minutes in length. The expected side effects that have been discussed are fatigue, hair loss, dry/irritated scalp, possible issues with short term memory in about a year's time and possible issues with cognitive processes (learning new things) over a longer time span. I would include a link to more information here, but everything I can find online is either not exactly Bobbie's situation or too intense for me to read in detail at 2:30am.

There is still a concern to treat other known tumors in her body (intestines at this time, specifically), but there is a question as to whether we wait to see if she can get into a clinical trial or proceed with the Temodar treatment, which will exclude her from eligibility for the current optional clinical trials which require at least 30 days brain health. A decision to this end will be made during or after the WBRT.

I apologize for the brevity of this update and hope that it doesn't present itself as hopeless or without a positive outlook for we maintain both hope and a look toward a long future with Bobbie front and center in it. If it seems less, it is probably because I am writing it at such a late hour, but I just wanted to get the word out so you all know that she is underway on Monday.

I will be sure to keep you posted throughout and we have continued to enjoy a couple more weeks of faux normality since the last update. She has spent a lot of time with Killian and having lots of adventures with him. For that, I am most thankful.

As always, we welcome all forms of positive vibes and thank you for the relentless efforts in sending them thus far.


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