December 15, 2010

Killian Meets Basketball

Killian finishes up his first season/session of basketball on Saturday.  He has enjoyed it though I have yet to see him dunk.  There are a couple of ringers on that team though.  Wow, it's crazy how good some of those kids can dribble and shoot for 1st grade.  In particular, the girl sitting on the far left and the kid that's a head taller than all of the rest.  Here are his individual and team pics (you can click for a larger view):

His coach is actually missing from the team picture.  Those are a couple of dads in the picture that helped through the season.  His team was the Knicks and I think they ended the season with a record of who the heck knows and who the heck knows.  I'm pretty sure he'll be up for the next round of basketball when it comes.

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