February 11, 2011

A-hole Lot of Bad Parking

So I went to the orthopaedic doc for a cortisone shot in the shoulder today.  Entering the parking deck, I got to experience the fury of an idiot poorly parked and taking up two parking spaces.  Fortunately, there was an open spot three spots down from there so the greater portion of my rage was abated and I had no materials to leave the driver a description of my opinion of their parking and related social skills.

I go in, get my shoulder stabbed and come out to find *this* upon my return to the parking deck:

I drive the blue Honda Element on the right.  It took every ounce of my being not to key this vehicle.  I also miraculously managed to resist providing them with a healthy door ding on their passenger side.  Seriously, WTF?!?  Other than specifically to spite me, I can't even come up with an excuse for this behavior.

This one trip may be the straw that puts writing materials in my car as a standard.


Anonymous said...

Parking like that gives you the right, nay, the responsibility to key that car mercilessly.

Alicia said...

Sharpie markers would negate the need for paper

Anonymous said...

hey that's my car... did you leave that gooey-loogie for me? Yummm