March 19, 2011

iPad 2: Electric Boogaloo

I was able to sell my original iPad for a reasonable price and, in turn, picked up an iPad 2.  So far, so good.  It is about 1/2 the thickness of the original which, to me, is the most notable difference.  It also has some internal upgrades but they aren't really that noticeable in my use as of yet.  I'm sure that future apps will make their presence more apparent.  The only upgrade I added was bumping it from a 16GB to a 32GB model.  Sadly, between 2 movies and a plethora of apps, I had actually managed to fill up my 16GB model.

I'll admit, I use it more than I would have suspected.  Mostly for games, web browsing, email and streaming Netflix.  Typing on it is pretty sucky, so I mostly use if for read only type of interaction.


Anonymous said...

One of my coworkers has a case like this one:

The iPad looks like a mini laptop - might be worth looking into!

Paul McRae said...

Yeah, I looked hard at that one for my original iPad.