June 05, 2011

Pharmaceutical Customer Service Fail

Does anything about this picture strike anyone else as frustrating?

The answer lies in the fact that this is a children's prescription liquid suspension medication to be administered with the pictured syringe.  Notice that the size of the syringe in no way corresponds to the amount of medication remaining in the bottle (this picture was taken at day 3 of a 10 day dosage).  There is clearly no way that the syringe can reach the medication when the bottle is upright nor can it be tilted in such a fashion that the liquid and syringe can meet due to the size of the syringe vs. the size of the mouth & neck of the bottle.  Sure, it's simple enough to overcome by emptying a portion of the medication into a second container before introducing the syringe but that shouldn't be necessary with a dosage bottle that would accommodate the syringe.

Just a parental frustration I wanted to air.


odisn said...

The ones at Target's pharmacy come with a top designed just for syringes. You plug the syringe in the tiny hole in the top of the bottle, then flip the bottle over & fill the syringe. Ingenious!

Paul McRae said...

I have heard tale of this simple solution and applaud Target pharmacy for it.