May 26, 2014

Zipling Adventures

We went ziplining for Colin's 10th birthday party over Memorial Day weekend.  Story of said adventure to follow but here are some videos...

May 16, 2014

Tweets February 18, 2012 through May 9, 2014

1. May 9
Well, that is certainly quite the wheel cover.

2.  Apr 20
This came up on Opie & Anthony today. Made me laugh. Look At This Car!!  via @YouTube
4.  Apr 9
Pet peeve - "excedra"
5.  Apr 1
The only palindrome date this year, I believe. 4-1-14. Or does 4-11-14 count?
6.  Mar 30
Freakishly similar looking: Tony Hale ( ) and Guillaume Gallienne ( ).
7.  Mar 14
Personal nerdy guilty pleasure: seeing the times 10:01 and 11:11 on a digital clock.
8.  Mar 12
Aaron in Revolution has the most resilient spectacles in history.
9.  Mar 10
If I don't hear "it's an eye chart" in reference to a presentation document again in the near future, I'll be perfectly good with that.
10.   Mar 8
Well *that* was a sucky way to find out today's school makeup day was cancelled.
11.   Retweeted by Paul McRae
Why Rebooting Your Computer Fixes Problems - It’s no secret that turning your computer off and on again... 
12.   Feb 28
Seemingly dumb quote of the morning: "I think *most* people have common sense." Doesn't the idea of "common" require that?
13.   Feb 28
I don't know if this left Twix vs right Twix advertising campaign is national but it is terrible for sure.
14.   Feb 17
@SycamoreCreekES I would like to resubmit a suggestion that the bus departures be moved to a dedicated twitter account.
15.   Feb 11
A fairly fun, free game for the iPhone. #LittleGalaxy 

Strange not-quite-a-Hurricanes-uniform from an O'Charley's mural in Raleigh.

Props to Nike customer service. They replaced my 1.5 year old Fuelband after it failed without so much as a question.
16.   Jan 11
17.   Jan 8
I respect the dental hygiene upkeep effort but still... seems kinda gross.
18.   Jan 8
Is it just me or is anyone else weirded out when you encounter a tooth brusher in a "public" (aka workplace) restroom?
19.   Jan 7
20.   Jan 5
Diablo III seems to have some gender bias.

Too funny and unfortunately true not to share. 
21.   Dec 25
Favorite quote of the day thus far: "Killian, you look like you have a sideburn." "K: What? It's a mustache that grew in the wrong place."
22.   Dec 22
Seriously?!? 70 degrees outside at 3am on Dec 22?!?

I need someone to take a look at my roof for a potential leak. Any Raleigh recommendations?
23.   Dec 12
24.   Dec 10
Anybody got an extra Christmas tree stand? I can't seem to find mine from the many years ago that was the last time I had a real tree.
25.   Dec 7
My Bio-Weapon, called RupturedT, just wiped out the world in 798 days! (Plague Inc.) 
26.   Nov 28
Lyrics include something to the effect of "Kitty Katoo (sp?) went to the zoo. Kitty Katoo Katango (sp?)..." Internet hunt has left me dry.
27.   Nov 28
Need help trying to identify a song from my childhood...
28.   Nov 22
My Nano-Virus, called SBI, just wiped out the world in 688 days! (Plague Inc.) 
29.    Retweeted by Paul McRae
Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of Rock Band 3's release, and we're celebrating by giving away 3,000 DLC codes! 
30.   Oct 19
Anybody got a recommendation for local interior painter(s) in Raleigh?
31.    Oct 3
Don't say it: "You're the bomb dot com."
32.   Sep 21
Patience also tested with a 9 year old in the back. He actually did surprisingly well.
33.   Sep 21
Just sat completely still in traffic on a mountain for 90 minutes in the rain & fog miles away from an exit. Bladder = tested. Whew!
34.   Sep 15
35.   Sep 15
Sat night: Time's Up, Buzz Word. Today: Hanabi #tbgt
36.   Sep 14
Toc Toc Wood Man #tbgt
37.   Sep 14
Trains again! #tbgt
38.   Sep 14
Puzzle event time! #tbgt
39.   Sep 14

Trains (again!) #tbgt
40.   Sep 14
Spyrium with pic. #tbgt

41.   Sep 14
Spyrium #tbgt
42.   Sep 13
Suburbia #tbgt
43.   Sep 13

  Sep 13
Mage Knight. Full game. 4 hours? We shall see. #tbgt
44.   Sep 13
45.   Sep 12
Trains again. #tbgt
46.   Sep 12
Las Vegas #tbgt
47.   Sep 12
Trains and 2 more plays of Escape. #tbgt
48.   Sep 12
Escape #tbgt
49.   Sep 12
Spinball & Hanabi #tbgt
50.   Sep 12
I'm at Hampton Inn (Raleigh, NC) 
51.   Sep 11

Game number one for TBGT the 10th = Trains! #tbgt
52.   Aug 17
It's been a loooong time... (@ Yorktown Pub) 
53.   Aug 14
Just watched a blind guy navigate his way through a public restroom at an airport. No envy here. Bad enough when every surface isn't gross.
54.   Jul 2
My Prion, called IEI, just wiped out the world in 902 days! (Plague Inc) 
55.   Jun 7
Killian just "cracked my elbow knuckles". Or so I'm told.
56.   Jun 3
Sometimes game achievements surprise... I earned Have Everything – CoG playing Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer. 
57.   May 28
@lepineisme Alas, our Pleasant Valley Blockbuster is no more.
58.   16 Mar 2013
My Fungus, called SBI, just got eradicated in 738 days! (Plague Inc) - grr. Fungus is so difficult! 
59.   11 Feb 2013
60.   29 Jan 2013
In my teenage years and for the many thereafter, these guys were and have been my heroes.  I just finished watching this film and was truly touched by their stories.  It was so awesome to have it all pieced together in a documentary such as this.  If you were a skater or a fan of the sport in the 80s or beyond, you're doing yourself an injustice if you don't take the time to watch this. (/ )
61.   25 Jan 2013
Garlic should, in no way, be anywhere near any breakfast item.  I damn it for infiltrating my otherwise delicious cinnamon bagel.
62.   22 Dec 2012
My Bacteria, called Poosmell, just wiped out the world in 1425 days! (Plague Inc). So clever with the naming am I. 
63.   22 Dec 2012
My Bacteria, called Stinkfist, just died out in 693 days! (Plague Inc) - not the best score but neat game. 
64.   30 Nov 2012
Can anyone explain to me why walkers and runners in a suburban neighborhood have the tendency to completely ignore a perfectly good sidewalk?  So infuriating.
65.   27 Nov 2012
Trying to figure out if I knew the word "undead" when I was 8
66.   20 Nov 2012
The St. Jude Give Thanks. Walk. was this past Saturday.  Thanks to the generosity of those who donated, I was able to raise $405 toward the cause with our team topping the $3,000 mark in total.  Once again, thank you to everyone that chose to be a part of it.
67.   17 Nov 2012
68.   16 Nov 2012
Things that have an unpleasant new meaning when heard in a restroom:  "Smells like somebody is having a chili cook-off."  In fairness, this particular instance came into play due to the building hallways filled with such aroma but still...
69.   12 Nov 2012
Dragon Baby! (Dragon Baby) 
70.   8 Nov 2012
Saw Wreck It Ralph last night in 3D. Really enjoyed it though the storyline wound up being a little different than what I was expecting. Still a good story but I expected more jumping between different games based on the commercials. If you're pondering going to see it, I say do. 
72.   5 Nov 2012
Just finished watching Hugo with Killian.  Visually very appealing and a good story to boot.  We very much enjoyed it. 
73.   5 Nov 2012
Hey guys, it's that time of year.  This is really the only official fundraising I do each year so I don't feel bad reaching out for it.  Killian and I will be doing the "St. Jude Give Thanks. Walk." in just under 2 weeks.  I'm getting a really late start on the fundraising effort for it but we appreciate whatever you can give.  

The connected link should point you to my donation page.

Thanks in advance and I hope that this letter finds you in happiness and good health.

74.   4 Nov 2012
Had a really great evening at Frankie's Fun Park with the boy. Our first go-kart adventure that we both enjoyed despite the chilly night air. He was thrilled to try the solo kids' track after our two seater ride. 
75.   3 Nov 2012
Numbers 3, 6 & 8 had me laughing. 
76.   30 Oct 2012
Nike Fuelband action.

77.   30 Oct 2012
The user reviews are pretty funny: Wheelmate Laptop Steering Wheel Desk
78.   Retweeted by Paul McRae
I go through phases where I don't actually understand what Twitter is for, or what to do with it.
79.   30 Oct 2012
I'm watching 'Life's Too Short' via @HBOGO. If you havent checked it out, it's worth a view.  #HBOGO #hbo
80.   29 Oct 2012
Very much enjoying Letterpress for the iPhone/iPad.  Thanks to Rich for the suggestion. 
81.   29 Oct 2012
:) (Joss Whedon endorses Romney - Roger Ebert's Journal) 
82.   25 Oct 2012
Check out #Letterpress, a sweet new word game for iPhone and iPad 
83.   22 Oct 2012
84.   11 Oct 2012
I'm not sure if I find that the harshest sound but it's up there. 
85.   11 Oct 2012
Something tells me that Douglas Adams would not be surprised. 
86.   11 Oct 2012
It's not just me, right?  Cream of Wheat is, in fact, an unappealing name for a food product? 
87.   Retweeted by Paul McRae
It's awful that those other chipmunks force Alvin to wear an A on his sweater just because he's an adulterer.
88.   3 Oct 2012
I post this from my iPad... 
89.   1 Oct 2012
Excited by the arrival of Fall in hopes of opportunities to ramp the geocaching back up. 
90.   28 Sep 2012
What would you say you know better if you had to pick it out if a line-up, the back of your hand or your palm?
91.    25 Sep 2012
"This is the voice of experience. Life is too short. Don't waste it in anger or resentment. Enjoy your family and friends. Try to be aware of all the little things in life. You'll smile more, trust me." - Bobbie McRae (2009)
92.   23 Sep 2012
G+: Heheh...  (EMBRACE THE THEME Variant | Lords of Waterdeep | BoardGameGeek) 
Yet another TBGT in the books and here I am finally acknowledging it 3 days later.  I had a great time this year.  I enjoy it each year but every time seems better than the last.  Thanks to all that were able to attend.  Good games and good friends.  What more could you ask for?
94.   16 Sep 2012
G+: McMulti! #tbgt

95.   16 Sep 2012
G+: King Me! #tbgt

96.   16 Sep 2012
G+: Kingdom Builder #tbgt

97.   16 Sep 2012
G+: Wirfel Bohnanza with Bob, Brad, Haley. #tbgt 
98.   15 Sep 2012
G+: Ca$h n Gun$.  #tbgt 

99.   15 Sep 2012
G+: Lords of Waterdeep. #tbgt 
100.             15 Sep 2012
101.             15 Sep 2012
102.             15 Sep 2012
103.             15 Sep 2012
G+: Day 3 game 1... Glen More. 

104.             15 Sep 2012
G+: Party game time. SongBurst 70's & 80's. Woohoo! 
105.             15 Sep 2012
106.             15 Sep 2012
107.             14 Sep 2012
G+: Day 2 game 2 = Seasons. 

108.             14 Sep 2012
G+: Day 2 game 1 = Felina. #tbgt 

109.             14 Sep 2012
G+: Pass-ack Words. #tbgt 

110.             14 Sep 2012
G+: Time for Time's Up. :) 
111.             13 Sep 2012
112.             13 Sep 2012
G+: Lords of Waterdeep #tbgt 

113.             13 Sep 2012
G+: Game #2 = Milestones. #tbgt 

114.             13 Sep 2012
G+: @do10hedron: Let the gaming begin... with Trajan. #tbgt 

115.             11 Sep 2012
Though apparently an acceptable pronunciation, a pet peeve of mine is the pronunciation of "processes" as "prä-ËŒses-ËŒsÄ“z".  I just can't take the "sÄ“z" part.
116.             7 Sep 2012
G+: The kid loves hot dogs.  A fun find on Pinterest... 
117.             4 Sep 2012
G+: Go LEGO, go! (Let's Go LEGO) 
118.             3 Sep 2012
G+: Pretty cool.  Encountered this info via Pinterest.  Check the link in this article for more info about the… 
119.             27 Aug 2012
Killian just asked, unprompted, "Why is everything made in China?". Kind of an interesting observation from a child after seeing something on a commercial about it - printed, not spoken. 
120.             27 Aug 2012
G+: Some pretty cool stuff in there... 
121.Retweeted by Paul McRae
First Lance gets stripped then Neil dies. I hope nothing happens to stretch.
122.            19 Aug 2012
G+: Rain-X is amazing. 
123.             15 Aug 2012
G+: Thanks to Mike Roswick for sharing.  Spot on. 
124.             15 Aug 2012
G+: Good stuff from Susan Wimmer.  "Your momma has a pig ear." 
125.             14 Aug 2012
G+: Here's hoping it's at least as good as the unofficial version. 
126.             13 Aug 2012
G+: Hehe... (08.11.2012) 
127.             11 Aug 2012
G+: Is this necessary? 

128.             10 Aug 2012
G+: Oh lucky people of 2043... (Forget) 
129.             8 Aug 2012
G+: Though it's not a case to lower your response, a somewhat relieving follow-up article to yesterday's hacking post. 
130.             7 Aug 2012
G+: Thanks to Rob for an important share... 
131.             5 Aug 2012
G+: A random q&a for today... 
132.             4 Aug 2012
G+: When did we lose Qdoba in Brier Creek?!? 
133.Retweeted by Paul McRae
Perseid meteor shower peaks August 11-13. Check out this site for more information 
134. Retweeted by Paul McRae
“That other guy tosses appleseeds in peoples’ yards and he’s a hero, but somehow I'm the the bad guy.” --Johnny Manseed
135.             30 Jul 2012
G+: Yes, I'm 5 years old but this headline made me giggle. 

136.             29 Jul 2012
G+: Killian's most recent purchase with no input from dad. Gotta love it. :) 

137.             27 Jul 2012
138.             22 Jul 2012
Successfully changed the ball rod assembly in my bathroom sink which, in my somewhat mechanically inept world, is just shy of performing open heart surgery.
139.             21 Jul 2012
G+: Pet peeve:  misuse of "lightening" in place of "lightning".  Look at what you're doing.  :D 
140.             19 Jul 2012
G+: Apparently I was considered a "fall risk" at the hospital today. 

141.Retweeted by Paul McRae
New comic today. Yeah it’s about poop. 
142.             11 Jul 2012
G+: Pretty good. Guessing I'd probably bail based primarily on the overly full theater regardless of the types. . … 
143.             9 Jul 2012
G+: Not happy after having this as my Chrome start page (and start page for many browsers prior)... 
144.             25 Jun 2012
G+: Yes.  Yes indeed. (xkcd: Words for Small Sets) 
145.             24 Jun 2012
G+: Killian has had several great birthday party days and this was one of the best.  Holycrapmykidiseightyearsold! 
146.             14 Jun 2012
G+: Testing Google+ to ManageFlitter to Twitter to Facebook - take 2 (forgot to make the last test post Public)... 
147.             28 May 2012
@blinkingline No, but I'll bet that "after" makes for slightly better TV than "in". :D
148.             28 May 2012
@blinkingline Is there really a "Poker in the Dark" or are you talking about "Poker After Dark"?
149.             24 May 2012
Let's get rid of a pesky extra "I" there. Make that Civ V.
150.             24 May 2012
If you don't already own Civ VI, now is the time to get it: Civilization V, 75% off! 
151.             14 May 2012
Wow. That would have sucked: Backup Your File Systems by Pixar 
152.             6 May 2012
"Partisan" appears to be a seasonal word in my world.
153.             5 May 2012
Just saw The Avengers with Killian. Pretty good. I recommend it. Stick around after the credits.
154.             21 Apr 2012
Yeah, that would be pretty bad. 
155.             22 Mar 2012
Had a really great time with Killian at the Hurricanes game tonight. A big thank you to @silentp42 & Robert for the opportunities.
156.             19 Mar 2012
P90 day 1 complete. First real exercise effort after the shoulder has healed. Wow, I think I fatigued my spleen. Oof.
157.             18 Mar 2012
I think giraffes would make terrible carnivores but they'd be a whole lot scarier.
158.             18 Mar 2012
I'm a big fan of the 2GB that I have. If you need an external drive, I'd recommend that one.
159.             10 Mar 2012
A beautiful day for geocaching with @silentp42 and the kids. Got 5 this morning. Geocaches that is. Not kids.
160.             6 Mar 2012
Mass Effect 3 obtained. Now to just get through the remaining 60 hours of Skyrim so I can play it...
161.             3 Mar 2012
Wow. Just got an email that it is my 13th anniversary on eBay. Hard to believe I've had that account that long.
162.             18 Feb 2012
Wow. Radio Rebel is Disney's way of attempting to ruin Pump Up the Volume. Painful to endure. I'd advice against it if you can. Oof.