October 14, 2007

Xbox 360 Joins the Family

I finally sprung for an Xbox 360 today, thus explaining my gamertag now appearing on the right of my blog. Skate was the final straw. Aww yeah, early Christmas present...


odisn said...

yep...I jumped in this summer as well, once the new football games were released.

Melissa said...

I just have to say that you are a Goober and your wife must be a really good sport to put up with you and and that "gaming" stuff!!!

Paul McRae said...

The first part of that comment may be true, but the 2nd portion is most definitely so. Go wife!

Melissa said...

Yes GO Wife indead, because I wouldn't be so "accepting" of your "Fabulous" Gamming Lifestyle!!! LOL I just can't get that out of my head ;)