December 27, 2007

Week 3 Weigh-In

Christmas week. Cookies, cookies everywhere and not a bite to eat. Yes, I blew the diet some this week. Two, three, four bites maybe. I was simply entirely too surrounded in sweet treats and then my mother-in-law cooked a delicious feast for us on Christmas day so I simply had to partake... you know... out of obligation... yeah, that's it. Even with all my "illegal" food, I still managed to drop a pound this week, which was a relief considering that the Christmas feast was the day before this week's weigh in. So I am now down to 197 - 17 pounds to go.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed a pleasant Christmas day whatever you were doing. Ours was great. It was the first year that Killian was really into the whole ordeal. He understood that Santa brought him presents because he had been a good boy and was thrilled about opening and playing with them all. I think that if he had a favorite so far, it would have to be his ClickStart computer from Leapfrog. It is pretty amazing watching him quickly pick-up the mouse and keyboard concepts. I received an Xbox 360 - ok, I actually got it a couple of months ago, but it was an early Christmas present -, Family Guy Season 5, Star Wars trilogy (episodes 4 - 6) and Flight of the Conchords on DVD, as well as some money and gift certificates. Bobbie received a sewing machine, some clothes, an iRobot Scooba and the hardback trilogy of His Dark Materials along with some money and gift certificates. I probably forgot some gifts for all of us in there, so if you sent us something I didn't mention, sorry and no doubt we appreciate it.

So how did everyone else make out? Drop me a comment or an email and let me know. Oh, and in case I fail to blog between now and then, have a safe New Year's Eve celebration.

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