January 17, 2008

Week 5 & 6 Weigh-Ins

I meant to post after the Week 5 weigh-in, but obviously failed to do so. Apparently heavily cheating on the NutriSystem diet over several days will, in fact, punish you. I managed to gain a pound back in week 5, taking me up to 195.5. In week 6, even with a some cheating (who can say no to free lunch from vendors?), I still managed to drop 1/2 pound bringing me back to 195 as of last night. Bobbie signed up for NutriSystem last night as well, so it should help quite a bit with both of us on to remove some of the temptation food from the house.

On another note, I had surgery last Friday to remove a lipoma (think fat tumor) from my back that had been there growing slowly for at least 6 years. It was finally getting to the point of causing discomfort. Sucky thing about insurance: when I first noticed it back when it was very small and could have been readily removed at any doctor or dermatologist's office in a simple procedure I couldn't have it removed because it would have been considered elective cosmetic surgery. Instead, I had to wait until it grew big enough to cause me pain and require hospital outpatient surgery to have a 3-inch wide, 1 inch deep thing removed that was just shy of actually touching my spine. Yeah, go health care system. Anyway, the surgery went well, but I now have the luxury of a drainage tube hanging out of the middle of my back for the last 6 days in addition to the not so pleasant feeling of recovering from a 3-inch incision in my upper back. I'm hoping to get the drainage tube out tomorrow which would make things much better. With the tube in there, I can't really sit back in chairs and can't sleep on my back or roll over across it in bed. As a result, I have been getting very interrupted sleep since the surgery and it's really starting to wear on me. Hopefully not after tomorrow though (fingers crossed).

After the surgery, I found out that my dad had to have some removed when he was about my age, though they don't appear to be hereditary according to the medical materials that I have read. As a bonus, I am now also likely to basically have a permanent dent in my back where they removed the soft tissue. Not really a big deal, but lucky me, huh? Well, if nothing else, here's hoping they aren't hereditary and that Killian doesn't ever have to deal with one. Of course, this could explain my 1/2 pound loss this week. Heheh.

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