August 19, 2006

Corn can be tasty

OK, two weeks down and still going. It was rough beginning to the second week of treatment with the nausea increasing, but it appeared to level off a bit as the week went on. Still a lot of sleeping, but lesser fevers it seems.

The workplace continued to bring dinner to us daily up until Tuesday. On that day, they provided us with a 12 meal program from Super Suppers. Basically it's 12 six portion meals prepared and packaged individually for easy cooking with a set of quick instructions. So far I've tried the spiced meatballs. Very tasty. The challenge: making room in the freezer for all of it. Apparently, I gots the skillz though as I made them all fit. As stated before, a HUGE pile of thanks to those involved in coordinating that effort.

I just started goofing around with a free online MMORPG today, Mythos. Looks like it's a well though out, well put together game. Give it a glance if you're interested. It is all online, so that is nice. No software to install or game system needed. It runs similar to a MUD, but with a GUI interface and teams in the form of kingdoms.

On a freaky note, the town of Cary, NC discovered e-coli in the water supply so restaurants around the city are closed today and possibly through the weekend. That has to hurt financially. How much would that suck? You're not allowed to open even if you promise to use only bottled water, etc. I guess it's really virtually impossible to operate an eatery without running tap water, but it still has to suck for them. Sucks for the residents of the town as well, of course, but at least they are allowed to go to their homes.

Admitted with slight embarrassment, I watched the majority of America's Got Talent this season. I have to say that I think the correct winner was chosen and was the one that I had picked after her first performance. That girl can sing. I don't dig any of the songs or style that she chose, but have to credit her spectacular voice. For entertainment value, however, I think that The Passing Zone (jugglers) was the best show in the house. How in Hell Rappin' Granny made it to the finals is beyond my ability to understand. Not only was she painfully bad to suffer through, but other quality acts lost out as a result. On a side note with which many will disagree, apparently Piers is the only judge worth listening to. I don't agree with everything he says always or his opinions on every act, but he offers the most useful criticism of the three by far. Apparently the rule for Brandy is "if you are a singer, you're in". OK, enough chatter about America's Got Talent. It's not good enough to spend anymore words on.

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