August 09, 2006

Updates and How do you do's

I've been accused of many things, but not often enough a poor blogger apparently. Sorry for the lack of posting of late, but life has been a little hectic as many of you know.

By far, the most involved task has been the coordination of Bobbie's cancer treatment. She started the initial 4-week stint on Monday and has reacted fairly well (as far as I know of possible reactions) thus far. Mostly she has been tired, sleeping up to 14 hours per day. In addition a fever peaking at about 101 degrees and holding around the 99 mark most of the time. She has to take Tylenol every 4 hours throughout the treatment to help keep the fever down. She also has to take Benadryll and some powerful (and expensive) anti-nausea drug 1/2 hour before her treatments. They double the dosage of the Interferon in the 2nd week of treatment and then double it again in the 3rd week, so we're not really sure what to expect, but hopefully her reaction will be similarly mild throughout.

I am staying home with her for this first week and from an entertaining a 2-year old while looking after the wife perspective, I have to tell you that a day at work is far easier. Some of the challenge comes in the fact that her treatments are scheduled mid-afternoon which would typically be nap time for Killian, so we're having to try to cram his nap in early each day. Hopefully he'll be happy to move back to longer naps when it's all said and done. Also, there is not much in the way of 2-year old entertainment anywhere near the hospital, so it's tough to keep him occupied for 1.5 hours while she's getting the IV. In addition, I'm trying to do a little work throughout the day and then after I put him to bed, so that adds a little burden to it all. I don't want a big pile of work waiting for me when I get back next week. As a bonus feature, Killian has thrown in an unprecedented 2am-ish wake-up over the past 2 nights. He's been pretty easy to get back to sleep with a short back rub, but I still have to wake up and walk my way into his room and then proceed to get myself back to sleep only to fall victim to his 6:30am daily wake-up call. Anyone who knows me knows that I am in no way a morning person, so this is probably the toughest on me overall.

On an awesome note, people from the IT department at work have been bringing dinner by each night and are apparently going to continue for at least the course of this first week. I can't tell you how much this means to not only me in terms of not having to prepare dinner for the family each night, but to us overall as a humanitarian gesture. It is truly very touching.

On other notes of potential interest, Killian is now sleeping in a toddler bed and has been for a couple of weeks. He loves it, but still won't climb out of it until one of us is in the room with him in the mornings. Not sure what that's all about, but I'm guessing habit from the crib which he fortunately never tried to climb out of to our knowledge. It's a Spider-man bed with Spider-man linens, so it's extra cool. Maybe that's why he doesn't want to climb out of it. :) He is also starting to roll of more words each week. I've lost count of how many, but he's definitely on the verge of forming some sentences. He has done at least one simple one, "Want go pool." when he wanted to go to the pool the other day. He was handing Bobbie his life jacket when he said it. He's a fanatic for the pool. Can't get enough of it. We have a speech therapist that comes once per week on Thursdays to help Killian along. I'll be meeting her tomorrow for the first time.

Speaking of first times, I went to Gymboree with him for the first time this week. Gaaaaaaaay. He had a fun time though and it is a nice layout for little kids to wildly run about and play. It's just the organized stuff that's gay. However, since the kids seems to enjoy it, I can live with it for now. I might add that I was the only dad present among the 12 or so attendees.

Well, it's late and I have to get up with said kiddo early tomorrow, but I will try to post more sooner than later. Many of you have asked me for updates on Bobbie so I figured I owed you one at the very least. Until next time...

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