April 10, 2007

Have you seen me on a milk carton?

So, as should be most evident by this point, I have failed miserably in my New Year's resolutions. I can blame only an insane schedule bleeding itself through the beginning of this year. Lots of happenings over that time, but rather than toss them into a big review entry, I'll maybe try to toss them on piecemeal here and there. I have recently been told of another blogging form that may better suit my situation, offering an option to pop out one-liner status messages vs. a full blog entry. It's called Twitter. A kind of neat little idea, but I can't quite pinpoint how best to use it in my life. It's kind of a stagnant instant messenger, which is to say that you don't need the other party(ies) to be present to toss out your message. Check it out and feel free to check out my entries at http://www.twitter.com/do10hedron. You'll have to sign up (free) and request to be added to my friend's list to read my entries in an effort to keep the spammer types at bay, but if you're so inspired, have at it.

I managed to crack a tooth on Saturday. Not sure how it cracked actually. I didn't feel or hear anything, just bit down on something hard which turned out to be a part of one of my molars. Fortunately, the dentist was able to repair it with just a filling which meant it wasn't A) crazy painful or B) crazy expensive. Lucky me.

Killian continues to grow and develop in unbelievable leaps and bounds. He's talking constantly now and does something amazing (to me) every day. It's a pretty fascinating experience. Trying at times, but fascinating nonetheless. I have also managed to miserably fail to capture much of this development on any form of media other than memory. This is probably the area that I am most disappointed in myself from the New Year's resolutions standpoint.

I hope that the readers that are still with me are doing well and that I can pick back up and start posting with any degree of frequency again.

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