June 02, 2008

New sub-blog

Not that I exactly blog like a champion, but I've decided to create an additional/sister blog to Paulblog dedicated specifically to my chatter about Killian. I have two reasons behind this.

1. To offload kid banter from this blog (which is oh so active otherwise).
2. To inspire myself to write more frequently and openly about my feelings and experiences with my son. I always feel a little reserved on this blog because I don't want to bore folk with incessant "Isn't it cute when your kid does this..." type comments.

In any case, no promises that it will be any more active than this blog, but here's hoping since it focuses on a far more energetic and perpetually moving topic.

That said, here is the URL for the new blog: http://killianandme.blogspot.com/ Too late to ramp up any posting tonight other than the quick intro I tossed on there.

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