January 01, 2007

2007 - Better than 2006?

Let's hope so!

For those that read my infrequent postings to date, you'll know that 2006 brought an unpleasantry to my immediate family that was most unwelcome - cancer in the form of melanoma for my wife. I don't think I actually blogged about it, but my grandmother also suffered a heart attack. So, both very sucky things, but much to our fortune, both victims pulled through with minimal changes to their lifestyles. I thank all of those who were along for the ride on these to give me support. So, to that end, I say "Good riddance, 2006!" It is a year I'd like not to repeat.

So, with those ugly items staining last year, I look forward to 2007 to be a better venture. Here's hoping that it brings health in prosperity to my family as well as those of my readers. That's not to say that there weren't bright spots in 2006. In fact, there certainly were. But, the negatives definitely outweighed the positives last year. Thank goodness for Killian to keep me entertained in the down times.

I haven't posted much of late because I claim to be busy and to not have time to post. Though it is true that I'm busy, it's more true that I don't take time to post than it is that I don't have time to post. I'm hoping to change that in 2007 as well as I intend to dedicate 30 minutes/day to piecing together a blog posting. It's not much and I may well not use the full 30 minutes or come up with anything that I really deem worthy of posting, but I am going to attempt to at least toss something up here each day that I have access to a computer to do so.

To that end, I present my five resolutions for 2007. Sadly, there are likely a few unaccomplished leftovers from 2006 in here, but that was last year...

  1. Daily blog posting - I resolve to post at least something to the blog on any day that I have access, regardless of its readworthiness (yeah, creating words on the fly).
  2. 180 - Goal for weight loss. I haven't weighed myself in a couple of months, but I'm sure that I'm bumping right up against if not directly on top of the 200 pound mark. I resolve to get down to 180 and, hopefully as a result, to get my blood pressure and cholesterol in check. I'm on blood pressure medication now, but I'd very much love to not be so anymore.
  3. Pizza and fried foods reduction - I had initially intended to resolve to give up pizza and fried foods (ties right in with resolution #2), but I don't think that would be a realistic goal given my daily lunch opportunities. So, instead I resolve to eat fried foods or pizza at the most three times/week. If all goes well, I will do my best to keep that to 0-1 times/week.
  4. Routine - I resolve to add some routine to the daily aspect of my life. Specifically to the organization and cleaning issues. I am going to introduce a daily/weekly chore plan (ie. vacuum every Saturday, clean home office/desk every Sunday, etc.). It will not be overbearing and the chores may be minimal to keep it realistic. However, in doing so, hopefully it will be a habit that I am able to upkeep.
  5. Exercise - Yep, another one that ties into goal #2. I resolve to introduce an exercise regime (hey, that ties in to #4 sort of as well - sweet... synergy). It may also be fairly simple... DDR, a walk around the block nightly, treadmill, jumping rope... but no matter what it is it will definitely be much more than I have done in the past couple of years which amounts to just shy of absolutely nothing.

So, there you have it. Those are my initial goals for 2007. All achievable, I think and I'm even starting on the right foot for #1 by posting this very entry.

As I said at the beginning of this post, I sincerely hope that 2007 brings us all a better year and if you had a great 2006, then how about a fabulous 2007?

Happy new year to all!

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